Friday, June 4, 2010

Amy Archer

Amy Archer, originally uploaded by paul.covello.
"I'll stake my Pulitzer on it!"

This drawing of Pulitzer Prize winning star journalist Amy Archer from The Hudsucker Proxy took me FOREVER to finish. Not only do I generally have trouble drawing women, but a character as dynamic as Jennifer Jason Leigh portrays in this film was even more challenging to represent. I love her fast-talking no-nonsense Katherine Hepburn/Rosalind Russell-inspired performance, and she's probably my favourite Coen heroine, so I felt I had to do her justice.

I settled on this pose in an effort to get this finished. I'm not sure it captures how tough and animated the character is, but I tried to make her look like a classic 50's fashion illustration, as well. She wears many different costumes throughout the film and I wanted to pick one that I could recreate faithfully. It's also from my favourite of her scenes: