Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Literates: Issue #2

Finally here! Check out (You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Latte) the second issue of The Literates right here. It took a lot of time to complete (especially the colouring which I spent way too much time fussing over) but I'm really happy with the finished printed copies.

The issue has already got some great attention, as it was blogged about by special guest star James Rollins.

For more about The Literates, check out the facebook or twitter pages.

The Book of Negroes Trailer

Haven't posted in a while because I've been really busy and here's why:

This was really the biggest video project I have been involved with. All the images are from the new illustrated edition of the novel, with some animated in Apple Motion, and a voice actress provided the narration.