Sunday, April 26, 2009

Dario & John of the Dead

Today I filmed a short zombie sequence with my friends John and Dario that will hopefully be used in a commercial I'm creating for work. I think I got a little too excited by the prospect of fake blood. I took a couple of photos once we were done, I'd love to get this one blown up to poster size...Dario is the next Bruce Campbell?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Why the Leafs Suck

I really, really, like this video. Making all of the physical violence look at least semi-real and layering the cool sound effects on top of it (the last punch has a bow and arrow sound on it) was too much fun. Lots of credit should be given to all my coworkers who are ready to give great performances as soon as the camera's rolling.

And since it's cool to watch here's some extra punching footage:

Friday, April 3, 2009

Literates in Quill & Quire

The Literates, the comic book series I draw for HarperCollins (first issue available here), got some coverage today in the Quill & Quire (Canada’s magazine of book news and reviews). The article, entitled "HarperCollins's superheroic marketing effort," is available here, but since it's membership only, I'll quote a little bit of the review:
In an effort to boost handselling of its own titles, HarperCollins Canada has come up with an unusual way of getting the attention of booksellers. Recently, the company sent retailers across the country about 4,000 copies of a promotional comic book it created, called The Literates...The eight-page pamphlet has the look and feel of a real comic, and it comes in a protective plastic sleeve with cardboard backing, just like at a real comic book store.
I have to admit, reading that The Literates has "the look and feel of a real comic" in Quill & Quire is pretty exciting for me.