Friday, March 27, 2009

I did a couple of videos for Colin Ellard's forthcoming book Where Am I? that were shot around Toronto. The first has been upload uploaded, and as you can see we're at the Yonge & Dundas SCRAMBLE ZONE!

More of these to come!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Recently, my friend John and I came up with the idea of INFINITE MONKEY COMICS, a fun little way to create random comics based on images from Flickr and text from Twitter. Using a search term you input, INFINITE MONKEY COMICS will generate a 3 panel comic just for you!

Anyway the site was sort of launched at the Truth and Beauty Bombs forum here last night at 8:02 pm.

Insanely, it has already been blogged on the super awesome Heidi MacDonald's blog at Publisher's Weekly: The Beat! I am blown away that news gets around that quickly!

Not only that but we're also on the Poor Mojo Newswire AND Considering Comics!

Holy Cripes on Toast!!!

Please Digg it (if you use Digg or y'know if you want to sign up for an account for us...)

So what are you waiting for? Check out the site, create some comics and follow us on Twitter!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Coming to a Theatre Near You...Sort Of

The next time you patron a Cineplex movie theatre, be on the lookout for this:

I created this commercial recently for the Canadian campaign of UK author Cathy Kelly using Adobe Flash and Final Cut Pro. I'm not sure which particular movies this will be shown before but here it is, my first work on the big screen!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Literates Have Arrived!

Not sure why this took me so long to post about but I now have a published comic book out there in the world!

The Literates issue #1 was printed last week and arrived in my office the day before my birthday! It's been at least 2 months of solid drawing, inking and colouring (and revising, lots and lots of revising...) but it is finally done and I am extremely pleased with how everything turned out. Issues are currently being shipped to bookstores across Canada but if you do not work in a bookstore, I started a tumblr blog where you can get more info and read the entire issue.

Please check it out here.
Also check out the official site here.

That's all for now! On to issue #2!